Preparation items to be considered and tips for storing racing cars.
Car Storage Facility
Location, security, insurance requirements, accessibility and loading and unloading ease. Privacy.My Car Storage is always happy to talk with racing car owners about their requirements and to show you the security and convenience of our facility for race car storage
Race Car Batteries
disconnection, removal or battery minder to be installed.
Race Car Cooling Systems
This will depend on the product in the system as Ethylene Glycol has a serviceable life period, inhibitors are more friendly and straight water will cause rust and possibly electrolysis.
Racing Fuel
this will be vehicle specific but a minimum would be sufficient to cover the electric fuel pump.
Racing Car Tyres
most race cars when stored long periods would have the weight removed from the tyres by raising the chassis therefore relieving weight from tyres and suspension. At a minimum vehicle could be stored on Flat Stoppers or carpet to stop chemical reaction between rubber and concrete.
Racing Car Engines
engines should be stored with reasonably clean oil so as not to have any residual carbon or chemical byproducts that could solidify or corrode. When engines are to be started after lengthy storage periods it is best that oil is changed, motor has the spark plugs removed and engine primed for oil pressure. Some engines may require heating before being rotated then started.
Making a Race Car Storage plan
It is recommended that a log book entry or notes be left with the vehicle as to what has been done. Planning the storage and then later the correct procedures for making the vehicle ready for service will be much easier if recorded. My Car Storage can help you with written plan and any other requirements eg insurance compliance for your racing cars.